Using A0/A1 for parameters, and return value in A0 Some weird results when trying to just swap 2 bytes :
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I am currently trying to get the best performance on this 48Mhz clocked Risc-V, to implement a HD6301 emulator (clocked
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Random Stuff : Serial Output on GND/TX/RX header PrintEnv from u-boot (stopped by Ctrl-C)
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Building the USB-Mouse adapter
It’s been a long time since last post… Here are some photos of the latest adapter revision. From components to
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Not Only a Mouse Quadrature USB ADapter (NOMQUAD?)
Continued the CH554 Atari USB-Quadrature Adapter. Used VSCode and Platformio this time : It works quite well with the mouse
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From prototype to final version : a ‘SmallyMouse’-like adapter with CH554
I made a first prototype with a STM32F411 that I had in stock, and it happened to work fairly well
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Changed Falcon 030 RTC battery
The RTC chip was a Motorola MC146818. And the plastic was easy to cut, thus I simply removed the old
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Falcon 030, back to live
My old Falcon 030 is back to live : I have updated its TOS to v4.04 (was 4.01), and added
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At last… – autonomous Zx81/PSoC5
Not a lot of I/Os are left and available on my Z80/PSoC module, but with some tricks, I was able
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Since March 13th, the website was down, due to some network configuration changes. I have restored it this morning. JJ
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